Due to negligence, bicycle accidents are a common occurrence. Typically, victims experiences catastrophic injuries as bicycles do not have adequate outside protection. Unfortunately, victims face significant damages that negatively affect their life. Victims are usually burdened with expensive medical bills, lost wages, and other losses due to another person’s negligence. Fortunately, bicycle accidents may be covered under certain insurance polices. If you or someone you care about has been injured in a bicycle accident, contact a determined Prince George’s County Bicycle Accident Attorney who can help you recover just compensation for your damages.
Are bicycle accidents covered under Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance in Maryland?
In Maryland, depending on the circumstances of the bicycle accident, a victims damages may be covered under insurance. In several states, drivers are mandated to obtain Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance. However, it is not mandatory to have in Maryland. Individuals can add this to their auto insurance policy as it can help pay a significant portion of medical expenses and lost wages in the event of a collision. Insurance companies are required to include this type of coverage in their insurance packages. The minimum PIP coverage in Maryland is $2,500. If a victims injuries exceeds the amount awarded in PIP, victims can still file a claim against a negligent party to cover the full cost of their losses.
What to do after a bicycle accident?
The steps a victim takes after a bicycle accident are extremely important as it can help them prove their injuries were directly caused by another person’s negligence. Victims of bicycle accidents should:
- Seek medical treatment. Injured individuals should immediately call 911. Medical professionals will then be able to assess and treat victims injuries.
- File a police report. To document the accident, victims should file a police report.
- Gather evidence. Victims should collect as much evidence as possible. This means victims should take pictures and videos of the scene.
- Contact information. Victims should gather anyone who witnessed the accidents contact information as they can back up the victims claim if they pursue legal action.
- Retain the legal services of a skilled Prince George’s County bicycle accident attorney. Our firm can help victims gather pertinent evidence to prove their injuries were directly caused by another person’s negligence as well as help them file a PIP claim to cover a portion of their medical expenses and lost wages.
If you or someone you love has been injured in a bicycle accident due to negligence, please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our knowledgeable and skilled attorneys. Our firm is committed to helping our clients successfully file a PIP claim. We are on your side and ready to help you recover reasonable damages for your losses.