Parking garages are a major part of everyday life here in Maryland. When we think of these structures we tend not to think of them as particularly dangerous properties. However, navigating these facilities is much riskier than you may realize. Serious accidents and injuries can occur when the appropriate parties fail to exercise due care. Whether it’s a careless motorist or property owner who leaves hazardous premises conditions unattended, if you suffer an injury in a parking garage, you may be entitled to compensation. Please continue reading to learn the steps you must take to protect your rights after a parking garage accident and why connecting with an experienced Prince George’s County Parking Lot Accident Lawyer is in your best interest to recover the compensation you deserve. 

What Are Common Causes of Parking Garage Accidents?

Unfortunately, parking garage accidents can happen for various reasons whether you are on foot or behind the wheel. Numerous factors can contribute to the cause of such incidents, given that this urban parking solution is compact, making it difficult to navigate, and endangering both drivers and pedestrians. Some of the most common causes of parking garage accidents include but are not limited to the following:

  • Lack of maintenance
  • Distracted driving
  • Speeding
  • Failure to yield
  • Missing or conflicting signage
  • Potholes, uneven surfaces, cracked pavement
  • Loose debris
  • Poor lighting
  • Slippery surfaces
  • Weather-related hazards (snow, ice, or standing water)

What Steps Should I Take if I’m Injured in a Parking Garage?

In the unfortunate event that you are injured in a parking garage due to someone else’s negligence, understanding the steps you must take to ensure your well-being and safeguard your legal rights is critical. First and foremost, if you require urgent medical care, you should immediately dial 911. Even seemingly minor incidents can result in significant harm. It’s important to note that certain injuries have delayed symptoms and may not appear right away. As such, it’s in your best interest to visit a doctor even if you initially feel fine to rule out any underlying issues.

If circumstances permit, you should document the scene of the accident as best you can. Try photographing the area you were injured and any potential hazards. If there is anyone who saw the accident take place, you should collect their contact information as they may be able to corroborate your version of the events later on. From here, you should report the incident to the property owner or manager. If the accident was caused due to another driver’s negligence, you should obtain a copy of the police report. It’s crucial to maintain copies of all documentation related to the incident, including medical records and accident reports.

Nevertheless, one of the most important steps you can take after an accident is to contact a qualified lawyer from Timian & Fawcett, LLC, who can help preserve your rights and fight for the funds you are entitled to for the damages you have endured. Connect with our firm today if you need an effective legal team.