The most common causes of subway accidents in Maryland are due to negligence and poor maintenance. If you have been involved in a subway accident, it is best to have a plan going forward. Continue reading to learn the best steps to take following an accident that can protect yourself and your future if you have sustained injuries on a subway. You may be interested in your options after being involved in a subway accident in Maryland. Reach out to our firm to understand what we can do for you. Contact an experienced Maryland personal injury attorney to get started today.

What are the most common causes of subway accidents in Maryland?

You’d be surprised how many factors can cause a subway accident in Maryland. The following negligence or malfunction can cause accidents in the subways of Maryland:

  • Improper maintenance
  • Improper operation
  • Improper design
  • Poor subway security
  • Obstructed walkways
  • Electrocutions
  • Improperly functioning subway doors
  • Defective stairs
  • Defective platforms

What should I do following a subway accident?

Take the following steps after being involved in a subway accident:

  • Alert an employee of the Maryland Transit Authority. They will report the accident and should alert the authorities to arrive on the scene with any appropriate medical assistance.
  • The employee’s report should include how the accident occurred, the location of the accident, and the condition they found you in.
  • Seek medical attention immediately to treat any injuries you might have sustained from the accident.
  • Collect all medical documents of your treatment. Be sure that these documents include the date, time, and severity of your injuries.
  • Take photos of your accident.
  • Collect any witnesses’ contact information in case you will need to use them in a future personal injury claim.
  •  You should receive a document from the subway employee with the report information.
  • Reach out to an experienced personal injury attorney to discuss your options for compensation.

What is the statute of limitations for subway accidents in Maryland?

The statute of limitations in Maryland is three years to file a personal injury claim. This will include subway injuries. This means that you will have three years to take legal action regarding your accident. Do not wait over the allotted time period to avoid being barred from suing. Taking action as soon as possible is in your best interest. Contact an experienced personal injury attorney today to discuss the best options for you and your situation. You can be eligible for compensation for your injuries and damages. 

Contact our experienced Maryland firm

If you are injured due to another party’s negligence, you must reach out to one of our knowledgeable attorneys. At Timian & Fawcett, LLC, we provide effective legal services to clients in Prince George’s County, Washington, D.C., and all of Maryland. Our firm is dedicated to assisting our clients. If you need our help, we are ready to serve. Contact Timian & Fawcett, LLC.